Mr. Matt, Mrs. Elise, Anna-Kate, Helen and Thomas Peed
Here's a few pictures from last week's going-away party
The roast pig

Anna-Kate and Darcie-Anne
The Pastor and his wife
Helen and Rachel

The girls
Patrick and Thomas

I know God sent the Peeds here to be a part of the family at Bethel and to serve a special purpose. Now it's time for them to move on - to bless those they meet up in Missouri. I know God has a perfect plan for them and I know they will do well where ever He plants them. But boy, it's so hard to let go of sweet friends.
The Peeds have been a part of our lives for only 3 years, but it feels like we've known them forever. Their friendship is one we will carry with us always.
"If you tell me goodbye tell me tomorrow
'cause my heart can't take that kind of news today
And am I a fool for believing
that tomorrow everything will be okay?"
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